C&T, after 2 years of work, made the eBook available. We write about it on our home page and you can read even more, and order it, on the Slice Of Christmas page itself.
Isn't it amazing how fast electronic publishing is moving?! it is very possible that the day will come when the books we love are never truly out-of-print.

We also have news about our block of the month, Thru Grandmother's Window. Back in 1996 when these blocks were new, quilters requested extra blocks to make the original quilt even bigger.
We designed 7 blocks (one is shown here) and now these blocks are available to you in one Downloadable PDF.
This PDF has only the 7 patterns — there are no yardage, cutting, or setting instructions. These patterns must be enlarged in the same way that the Downloadable Thru Grandmother's Window patterns are. The good news is that the 7-block pattern is only $10!
Check out the Show & Tell page if you haven't lately. It's a great place to see what other quilters have made using Piece O' Cake patterns. We enjoy these quilts so much that we've decided to give a $10 credit (to be used on our website) to the maker of any quilt we post on this page! (If you have a quilt on the page already email Linda at pieceocake@bresnan.net and she'll issue you a credit.)
There are other changes on our site but they are pretty subtle. If you find typos as you click around, please let me know. I hate typos!
And, for those of you who might be wondering, Christy is still in the hospital. She's not exactly better, but she's not worse either. She is being well taken care of and for that I am very thankful. Thank you for her prayers for her.
Happy stitching,
Becky (and Linda too!)