My daughter-in-law, Lorna, and Jack and Elanor got haircuts today. This was Jack's very first haircut!
I was there to take care of the kids while Lorna got her hair done - which meant that I was also there to take a photo of this particular first. Henri, who cuts all of our hair, is really good with kids (and adults). Jack almost enjoyed the experience!
It is true that Jack has very little hair so his haircut took a total of about 3 minutes. But Henri says this is a good time to start getting a child used to the idea (and the feeling) of having a haircut.
I so enjoy your blog. It's nice to see ya'll are doing the same ordinary things we do when we're not sewing. Keep it up. Debbie
That's a very interesting article. I remember when I went for hair cut of my younger brother and he was crying. Every body around was looking there.
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