We will post the winner's name and contact you by email to get your mailing address. Please note that if your email address is not part of your profile, we won't be able to email you. If you are the lucky winner, you can email us at pieceocake@bresnan.net to give us your address. I do have to say that Linda and I are both out of town. If we have trouble connecting to the internet to post the winner, know that we will post the winner as soon as we can.
Good luck and have FUN at Pat's retreat!
Click here to go to Pat's Virtual Retreat. There are sure to be even more prizes!
Click here to go to Pat's Virtual Retreat. There are sure to be even more prizes!
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Hi girls. What a great idea a blog hop.
Love your designs
Sue Daley
Good morning
I love blogs and do hop from one to the next.
I love your patterns and am currently doing "Flourishes". I also won 1st prize viewers choice with "Journey to the North Pole" at our guild exhibition
I have another pattern of yours that I am going to do, (when I find that the days have a few extra hours).
Regards, Ros Gale
I shouldn't have looked at the cupcakes! My favorite is red velvet (a must in the south).
How fun...count me in! Thanks
Love the idea of an online blog retreat. And both of you are looking younger and better every year!!
Marilyn Rose
Thanks for all your great designs and fabrics. I love them all!!
I'm a day early, but I'll be back. Love your designs.
What a wonderful prize! I'm keeping my fingers crossed :-)
Your blog is very nice and I would love to add this to my list of piece of cake books that I currently own. Thank you for making this offer.
Love your blog! And I always love a chance to win a prize. Put my name in please! JoAnne in Keller, Texas
Wonderful! Thanks for letting us know about the virtual retreat!
That hop sounds cool.
Hi girls, love your blog and have collected quite a few of your books over the years. I love needleturn applique but just don't get enough time lately. You know the problem so many projects too little time.
Pick me, pick me pick me..lol. Would you believe I haven't even had my coffee yet? Seriously though, I do love your designs!
Have a great weekend!
Pat Sloan is whipping us into shape and having us get caught up (and maybe even AHEAD???) on our labels during her virtual retreat!!! Yay!!! Thanks for being a part of it and for providing a prize......even if I'm NOT the one who wins it! VBG :)
Now, a bonus is that I found YOUR blog to add to my daily blog-reading list.
Pat in DE
I love your designs and would love to win one.
Hi,love your designs and everything ;o)
this a great idea, indeed ^-^
have a nice day
Lov, Love your designs. Love Aunt Millie's patterns, keep up the good work! Hugs, Mary
Good morning -- light is anticipated in another hour or so -- but blogreading is a good sport for those early morning, can't sleep hours. Thanks for your happy blogs. Come visit me at www.designtyme.blogspot.com
It's Friday, Sept 26 and Pat has started her retreat. So, here I am. Didn't know you had a blog, loved the post on coffee pots. I have a collection of enamel pots and coffee grinders.
Hi! I'm visiting from Pat's blog. I love yours and will definitely be adding it to my morning readings. Thanks for participating in our retreat!
~ Dawn in MD
Good morning everyone!!
This is such a great idea. I love the designs. And Linda we miss you in our stitch group on first Fridays in Tulsa, Ok. Hope all is well.
Count me in. A blog hop is such a good idea!
Sounds like fun. I'm in.
Love your patterns!
Kay Pungitore
Hi gals
love your stuff - looking forward to Sat ....
hugs, Jean Foglein
Thank you for adding to Pat Sloan's online retreat! Didn't realize you had a blog. Will add you to my Google Reader list.
Thanks so much!
Sounds like great fun!!!
Wow, great idea for a fun week-end!!!
Doesn't Pat have the funnest ideas?! Love that you're participating, too ... quilt bloggers are wonderful LOL! Crossing my fingers for the book ...
How fun... a blog hop! I'll be sure to keep up with both blogs this weekend. Enjoy!
Sounds wonderful! Have loved your work and colors for many years.
Looking forward to your blog, having just learned of it.
Hi, I love love love your designs...pick me! :)
Great idea-how fun!
Wonderful idea. I love your design. Btw, it´s friday the 26th of sept. overe here.
/Mari in Sweden
I am doing Pat's Virtual Retreat, It is so much fun!! I always get motivated and my DH loves it as I am home for it. I love your patterns.
I am so glad to have found your blog... love the post with the enamel coffee pots!
I am looking forward to the label workshop and wish to thank you for adding to the fun of Pat's virtual retreat weekend.
Susan in ON
What fun, a virtual retreat. I do love your blog, living here in Texas I do appreciate some of the comments you make. (Let us know if the dowels work with the cats.) Well I'm off to check out the retreat, hope you pick me for the prize.
what fun this will be! I love blog hopping. Everyone is so creative.
And I love your books. I have everyone but this one. Hope I win~!!
I would love to win your book. I've been a big fan. I'm only "sort of" doing Pat's retreat. I plan to get some much needed sanity, i.e. sewing time, in this weekend, but will be quilting my friend's wedding quilt, not making labels.
Quilting Gallery
Hi Girls!
Sounds like a fun way to spend the weekend. Thanks for the blog prize.
Connie in Columbus
Thank you for adding some color and joy to this raining day!
Cheers too,
I have your Christmas designs book and am committed to make every project in it! I especially love the fat little Santa Claus quilt...
Thanks for inspiring me!
What fun. We missed Linda at Honeybee Retreat last year. I hope you'll do it another time.
Quilty hugs,
Pat from FL and MI
Love your designs!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Beth Franklin
Clever idea!
I recently purchased Aunt Millie's Garden pattern, and I just started it. I'm doing it very similar to the colors in the pattern with a red background and scrappy flowers. Fun fun fun.
I'm bringing three blocks with me on my upcoming vacation to Asia. I hope it will be a fun project to pass the time on the plane. Maybe it will help start conversations or bridge a cultural divide.
I took Becky's class on applique in September 2007 at my guild in Kansas. So far the techniques I learned are producing nice results.
Good luck on the blog-hop.
Hi from Brazil to Piece O' Cake ladies.I have and love all projects of your book Applique Deligths.Teatime(so cute) and Spring Spectacular are in my plan to make them.Love your patterns, website and now your blog.Now let's go to make labels with Quilter Retreat.Very, very fun !!Thanks and hugs Suely Rizzi
Hi from Northern Ireland, just love those spools of thread- will definitely have to buy some!
Hi from Northern Ireland, just love those little spools of thread on oyur website!
Love your designs and your color combinations. My favorite is the one from the Quilters Newsletter cover (and also the site banner). I'd love to try Aunt Millie's Garden but I am a new quilter so its a bit overwhelming to me.
This is a fun idea!
Hi from Northern Ireland, love those spools of thread on the website
I love you gals...ever since i saw you on Simply quilts
Love your books and quilts
The thing I envy is your friendship and partnership in the quilt world.
Hi Becky and Linda,
I love your quilt designs. Someday I want to be able to create a quilt with your one of your designs. Maybe if I win your drawing, then my wish could come true! ***clicking my ruby red slippers 3 times***
What a great idea! I love reading your blog.
Another fun idea, thanks for inviting me. Carol Kendra
Greetings from Central Texas where you visited not too long ago. I have been trying everything you taught us and it really helps. Thanks again.....K
love the idea of a blog hop.
love your designs,
never been on a blog hop before.
Love your designs,
Hi, first time to your blog & I have enjoyed it. Great idea. Hugs Mae
Hey Ladies,
This is such a fun thing to do on a FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun with it, I know I will.
Hello from Canada.I love your patterns!! This is the first time that I've seen your blog, but now that I know it's here, I'll be a regular visitor,lol.
Oh I hope I win..you have so much talent...love what you do!
Mary Jo in Iowa
I screwed up on my comments they came thru from anonymous. sorry about that. Mae
Thanks for all your writing. Have just finished one of your designs-Flowers in the Garden, ( it took me so long think that is the name)- only because couldn't find the right border. Finally did tho, and it is gorgeous.
Keep up the good work, hugs, A.L.Selkowe
Love your designs. I'm new to applique, but your designs are definitely my favorite.
Hope I win a prize from Pat's Virtual Retreat. What fun she givs us!
Denny in PA
I love your style and use of color. You, ladies, are an inspiration to me!
I have used several of your patterns. Hand applique is NOT what I thought I would do when I started quilting. But I really enjoy it. I am looking forward to this virtual retreat. What a neat idea?
LOVE your site and blog! I'm doing Aunt Millie's and wish I could sew all day... love it!
Awesome that you're helping Pat with the virtual retreat weekend! Love reading your blog too :^)
Guess my first comment didn't go through :( First time blogging. Love your patterns and your books. Huggs, Toni
This is my very first comment on a blog. I wonder what you have started! I don't want to get hooked on blogging the way I'm hooked on quilting.
Thanks for doing a prize drawing...off to make labels now...I have 5 Christmas quilts that all need labels...
I've never participated in blog hop! I think this is great. I have been following POC's work for years! I applique the POC way and had a class with Becky through my guild a while ago and at Asilomar a few years ago!!! Judy Gvili
Hello to all
I love a good blog hop good luck to all
Happy quilting Ter
Love your work and I've recently bought fabric from your Elanor's Picnic line and am making a hearts quilt for a little girl about to come to the US from China to join a wonderful family with THREE boys! :-)
Read your blog daily and just love it.
Love your work! I would love to win the prize!
Happy stitching and blog-hopping, everyone!
I love your patterns, and didn't know you have a blog!
I was lucky enough to take an applique class from Linda and I just love your site and your delicious patterns! I'm sure glad you gals are so dedicated. Please add me to the list of people hoping to win a prize. :)
This is my first blog post! I love quilting blogs!
Good Morning! What a great way to spend a weekend. Such fun, so many new things, a blog hop. What more do we need? Cupcakes, maybe? Looking forward to this virtual weekend. Love your work. Love Pat Sloan's work.
I already have your book, but throw my name in the hat too. It might make a great gift!
bloggin for Pat... is that like "will work for fabric?"
What fun, thank you,
I enjoy your quilts. I live the colors you use in them. I have a goal to make one of your designs one day.
Love this idea! Hope I win your beautiful new book!
Good Morning,
Just started your Aunt Millie's Garden Quilt this week. Very exciting. Love you site and the blog.
Happy Quilting.
Hi Ladies!
I just book marked your site! I love it so many interesting stories.
I am glad Pat Sloan suggested we look you up :-)
Have a great weekend,
Thanks. I'd love to add this book to my collection.
Maxine in Arlington, TX
The blog hop sounds like fun. I just bought Aunt Millies pattern and just love it. Keep up the good work. Sandra
Hi!! I'm dropping in from Pat Sloan's site! Lovin' the piece o' cake!
I love your patterns. I've made several applique quilts using your method. I bought your DVD and learnt appliquing the Piece O' Cake way. Keep up the good job!!!
This is a great idea a virtual retreat, that way you don't have to leave home.
I love your patterns have quite a few. I had signed up for a class last year but was unable to attend.
Everyone that went said it was so
You show an easy way to applique I even am able to do it now.
GREAT Blog! I adore Piece O Cake patterns! This blog hop is fun...I'm on my way over to Pat Sloan's virtual retreat. Fun! Lana
I would love to be the winner of that book. I love all your quilt designs.
My first blog - what fun! Love your fabric and patterns.
What a neat idea. Love, love, your patterns
What a fun way to get the creative ideas flowing! Thank you for your inspiration!
Hi! This is my first time of blogging. I would love the book so I decided to give it a try as I really love the patterns.Thanks!
A virtual hop - what a fun idea and sure saves gas! Love both of your blogs!!!
I am a big fan of yours too! So glad there are still some of us who hand applique'!
Great creative ideas
A blog hop is fun - no high price gas involved! I check your blog daily.....
Jan Hirth
This is such a good idea. This is the first time for me to blog or even know what a blog really is all about so it is double fun for me. Hope you are having a great weekend too!!!!
Thanks for letting me know about Pat's hop and how nice of you to join in and offer a prize! I enjoy visiting your website and love that I can buy patterns and download them and thus save shipping and paper - did you realize you were a green site?!
Love your blog! It would be awesome to win your book! Happy sewing!
I am loving reading your blog. I love your books and I loved taking a class with Linda. It greatly changed my attitude about qpplique. No it's pretty much the only quilting I do.
What a great idea! I love your patterns/books. :)
So comfortable, be right here at home and "retreat".
Great Idea! Have followed you since Simply Quilt apperance. THink it was a xmas pattern
Love your blog, I am a newbie to this site but not your work.
Just hanging out in virtual quilters retreat land and visiting from Pats site.
Off to sew something....anything at this point.
Hi Becky and Linda,
Thanks for the email announcing the blog hop. Sounds like fun!
I ordered some new fabric of yours and can't wait to put it to use.
That will be AFTER all the other projects that are lined up earlier.
I'm really enjoying your blog and your website. You have such cheerful bright designs.
I loves me some Piece O' Cake!
I love wandering around both your site and Pat's (I am an addict of both design line) and do so on a regular basis
keeping the world in stitches---Teresa
This is my first time blogging
I love your books and patterns. I took several of Linda's applique class' at Hershey PA a few years ago and loved it. Great expierence, I am a better appliquer for it. smiles P Higgins
This is terrific! Thanks so much for adding a prize to this unique virtual retreat!
Sandy Bray
Thanks for participating. I remember your visit to the Washington State Quilters guild in Spokane. I have been a member of Pat's group for a few years.
I love your website and I especially love to hand applique your patterns. Of course right now I'm doing Aunt Millies Garden. Thanks for the Blog Hop. What a great idea!
Nan Herman
What fun! Who'd have thought so many people would drop by. Isn't the internet amazing?
Virtual retreats with Pat Sloan are a hoot! Such fun is had by all and to think, my other favorite quilters are you both!!! My most treasured applique book is Piece of Cake Way, how cool to think I could win your piecing book. If I win I sure hope you'll each sign it! Off to make labels with Pat :-)
Love our patterns and enjoy reading yourblod page. Count me in on the log hop
Super idea - love your blog. Hopping blogs is great fun
Hi Becky and Linda! I feel like I know you from watching you on "simply Quilts" That's when I started buying your books! Love the blog-hop idea--just wish I wouldn't of looked at those yummy cupcakes!
Thanks for joining in on the fun of Pat's virtual retreat. I'm on your list too and love all that you do!
Amy in South Lyon, MI
great giveaway please enter me into the drawing!
Oooh Oooh pick me please!
This is my first blog!
Love your quilts!
I looked to The New Applique Sampler book for guidance to make a quilt for my daughter. She designed it using EQ5 and included appliqued Sues and Sam to represent our family members. It was my second experience with needle turn applique. The first was not so enjoyable, but now I like it!
Keep on Quiltin'!
What a great opportunity to stop and tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I certainly look at things differently. I love all the possibilies.
Take care,
Love Piece O Cake patterns - I am currently finishing the hand quilting on Simplicity and eying some of the Amish Inspired patterns.
Love a retreat - virtual or real!
oh wow. the book looks like fun!!! i have been wanting to buy some cake squares but didnt know how to use them, so this would be lovely. thanks so much for doing this giveaway
I'd LOVE to have this book to go with my others. My favorite class at the Quilt Expo in Nashville was the applique class with Becky. You girls are toooo good...your work, your designs, your fabric....everything.
And I'm glad you now have a blog!
2 of my favorite quilters! I just found your blog a few weeks ago. Are you making labels too? TTFN
Thanks for all the fun! you girls are great.
Karen O.
Good afternoon....love blogs and hopping from one to the other. Love your new screen door.....
i love your blog and thanks for all you two do!!!!!
Hi - thanks for joining Pat's retreat - I learned to applique with your fantastic New Applique Sampler book, and have a few others too.
OMG, I would love to win this book. I just ordered your Millies Garden Flowers book this week. SO pick me, pick me please!!!!
I love your idea of a virtual retreat. It was all great fun!
I have your books and love them.
In Ireland
Hi - thanks for joining Pat's retreat - I learned to applique with your fantastic New Applique Sampler book, and have a few others too.
Hi girls!
I'm currently working on your Aunt Millie's Garden. It is a lovely pattern. I love the idea of a blog hop.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Deanna Allred
Just wanted y'all to know that your Poppies patterned changed my life! :) The blog idea is great - what fun it is!
Thanks for all you do
Mary Keasler
I am disabled, don't get out as often as I'd like, and so I was especially excited to receive your email to participate in the blog hop! Aren't computers grand?
Love your books. At this time I'm using the New Applique Sampler instructions to learn and (hopefully) perfect my applique.
Peg Dixon
oooh! I've been meaning to buy that book1
Thank you for being a part of this... Dawn Besherse
You two ladies are the best! I just love all of your patterns and books. In fact this week I received my copies of two of your books (The New Applique Sampler and Applique Delights) and your DVD in Spanish. I ordered them from a bookstore in Spain. As an applique lover and a high school Spanish teacher, I thought it would be fun to read the books and watch the DVD in Spanish. A great opportunity to expand my Spanish vocabulary around my favorite topic - quilting. Have a great weekend! Jay
My favorite designers in all the world!
I love finding blogs I haven't found yet and will continue to visit you, virtually of course! Your designs have always been some of my favorites! Quilting Hugs!
Linda Hardy
I'm so excited to have found your blog via Pat Sloan's retreat. LOVE your quilt designs and always have. Will put your blog in my favorites.
Hello Becky and Linda,
Thank you for the invite. I read your posts and love them. Becky, you have been my mentor for blogs for Thunder Bay Resortt Quilter's Retreat Blogs. Thanks, **Pam**
I Love your new book. I hope to see it at the next quilt show that I attend. Wonderful designs
what a great idea. I have never won anything. I'm hoping :)
Love this idea. Thank you for doing it.
I love your patterns and fabric it is absolutely my favorite.
Best Wishes
Thanks. Love your books and techniques.
Hi Gals! Wonderful blog and great comments. Your designs are the absolute best. No one else does color like you ladies! Greetings from Minnesota on a summer day in autumn! Marian
please add me to the contest. I love your books and have been to your store. It's wonderful?
blog hop - neat
hi, this is from Ann in sunny Keswick in the English Lake District. I love your piece of cake pattern designs, first seen in 2008's quilt calendar. Hope I'm luckt! Love from Ann anniecumbria@hotmail.com
Have always loved your patterns and love the blog hop.
I love your designs. This is a great idea.
Brenda in Atlanta
Hi Becky and Linda
Love your books and patterns, especially Welcome to the North Pole and your applique video. Excellent instructions I am not intimated in doing applique anymore.
Leaving tomorrow for a trip to the mountains so I can't participate in Pat's weekend project. However, I will be bringing Flourishes with me in the hope of finishing blocks 11 and 12. Then, when I return I will have a class with Becky Goldsmith. Hooray! Lynda Weingart
Great idea!!
Have 3 books from you... count me in!
I'm a beginner with your DVD and book in hand. I hope to master this applique technique. The DVD is like inviting you to my house and giving me private lessons.
Please enter me in your contest. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend. Love all your designs.
this is my first blog event.
I love your designs and love this idea of a blog hop! Thanks for the chance!
Oh! A blog retreat. What a fun idea! And a virtual door but a real door prize. This is so creative. Count me in.
hmmmm, think I'm still on time
you know, got almost all of your books and Aunt Millie as an upcoming project
go on like this
What a great idea! I love your fabrics and books!
Hi everyone! Have a great weekend...what fun!
Love the idea of a blog hop. The virtual retreats are always so much fun.
I am in dire need of a retreat, what a great idea! Thanks for the invite.
I have been a Piece O' Cake fan for a long time. I'm so happy I found you blog!
That looks like a great book!
Thanks for being a blog hop host. I am looking forward to your interview on Pat's blog.
Please enter me in your Blog Hop drawing for Pat Sloan's weekend blog hop!
Well I have to tell you, I tell everyone that when I grow up I want to be a Piece O Cake lady!!! I have so many of your books (I even got Becky to sign one, once!) but I don't have this one yet....would be an awesome addition to my collection! Woo Hoo!!
I jumped the gun and wrote yesterday so am doing another on the right day.
I love your pattrns and fabrics.
This is going to be so much fun to sew all weekend !!! I was so excited when I found out yesterday that I didnt have to work this weekend and Pat was having the virtual retreat. I just love your patterns and use your applique techniques all the time.
Happy stitching,
Add me to your fan club! Your designs are always so colorful and charming.
Becky R
Sounds like a fun hop, count me in
This is a wonderful idea!! Becky, I hope to meet you in person in Hilton Head next January. Enjoy Fall!!
Lori from Calgary
Ooooh, what a great prize! I'm gonna sew and blog hop all weekend.
mqimzMy niece turned me on your your patterns and books, yea! Thank you for the blog hop. Happy Retreat! Dee
Thanks for your support of Pat's retreat.
It is such a fun way to make us plan ahead to do the very last thing we need to do for our quilts.
Sharon in almost heaven WV
I LOVE the Blog Hop Idea and I love your designs. It is great to have a place where quilter's can share ideas and friendship. Everyone is so busy these days it is very difficult to get together with friends to quilt. This is the next best thing!
I didn't know how much fun reading your blog could be!
Thanks for doing it!
This blog hop is a great idea! Always great designs! Jeanne
Hi girls, thanks for the blog hop and all that you do. Keep up the good work. Smiles to you, Peggy D
Hello Piece O' Cake. I've been in your blog since that snow in Sherman. I love your work and your way to combine colors. I bought last year your DVD and it changed my way to see applique, hope to send you soon a picture of my quilt of Aunt Millie's. I would love to have this wonderful book.
Have a nice weekend!
Patricia Z.
This is a great idea--prizes are great incentive for anyone!
Thanks for the blog hop. I have had trouble getting a post on.
Oooh--how fun is this! We love Piece O' Cake and what funner way to get the piecing book than to win it! Thanks for having the hop!
Lorie Fuller
Great reading. I enjoy the newsletters and the blog. Thanks Joan
Thank you so much for offering your "door" prize. I love your stuff.....not too long ago I even visited your store in CO. LOVED IT!!! thanks again
Dennisa in Fort Worth, TX
What a great idea! I enjoy your designs and your website. (And I hope I win!)
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